Christmas in Northern Vanuatu, Day 6: A lazy day with rodent jokes

Saturday, December 23rd, 2017

Today Annalisa and Frances headed out to Millennium Cave for a day of adventure, while I had little planned other than getting some work done with Eve.

Keevon, Chase and I cleaned up Sydney’s house, keeping her diarrhea-prone kitty outside as we swept and picked up cups scattered about. After a quick clean, we depart Sydney’s and head towards town.

While the boys get some shopping done, I go straight to Eve’s house, as I needed to get some work done with her. As I mentioned before, today was an unexciting day filled with working and hanging out.

Once dinnertime rolls around, I decide to try the Indian Restaurant near the wharf where we went to Aore. Vanna highly recommended it, and even mentioned that there was a Christmas buffet happening tonight, because she is either a too-frequent customer or on their mailing list. I arrived and decided against the pricey 2600 vatu buffet and instead chose a chicken curry dish with some garlic naan. I was so excited to be eating Indian food. I found out they’d be open on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, which meant we would most likely be heading over here again in the next few days. I grabbed my food to go and brought it back to Eve’s to hang out with the group.

I get a text from Colleen, with whom I’ll be spending my time on Malekula. She informs me she just killed another rat. She tells me she’s “cleaning her house for guests.” I laugh, because Colleen has been sending me text updates about the apparent rat infestation in her house for the past few months. She once made a joke that only I, an avid Blues Brothers fan, would get, “I saw a small mouse and a rat in my house tonight and I thought to myself was ‘my house has both kinds of rodents, rats AND mice!’” At this point, I’m just expecting the floor to be moving and that Colleen will have taken on a Willard-like role.

After enough texting, I start to drift and head to sleep.
